We are so excited about the new flannel that has hit the shelves this week. So, we thought we would share some of the things inspiring us to dive into it!

If you've been in the shop lately, you've probably heard us rave about our favorite go-to baby gift, the self-binding baby blanket. We love the
video the Missouri Star Quilt Company did and recommend it all the time.

My kids are constantly outgrowing their pajamas, so some of these are destined for new PJ's for my boys. I love this
free tutorial from the blog Dana Made It.

And for the grown up crowd? Check out these beautiful new plaids from the Mammoth Flannel collection. If you haven't touched these in person you are missing out! They often get mistaken for wool because of their thickness and super softness.

We've been going a little crazy on our Pin boards (follow us on
Pinterest!). We are ovsessed with this top! It would be the ultimate cozy fall outfit. No pattern for this guy...we're going to make it up! We'll let you know how it goes.

We've also beeing dying to make some plaid pillows. Pictures like this keep popping up all over the place!

Oh my, so much inspiration, so little time! What will you make?