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It’s release day for the Koselig Quilt pattern! Come check out the Bella Solids Koselig Cover Quilt. She’s a beauty and gives me so many memories to reminisce on. This quilt was inspired from my travels to Norway and dedicated to a couple of my closest friends that I travel with. Koselig is a feeling and special time in the Norwegian culture. There is no english word for Koselig (pronounced koosh-lee). It’s a feeling of coziness shared with the ones you are close with….so like hygge but without the loneliness.
Bella Solids
If you’ve been following me for any time at all, or checked any of my other sample quilts. I am head over heels for Moda’s Bella solids. They don’t fray like other brands do, and have a wonderful weight to the line of fabric. They also quilt beautifully! For the Koselig cover quilt I used the following: Off White, Black, Dusty Jade, Pale Pink and Butter. I really wanted to lean into spring for this color palette with a subtle nod to St. Patrick’s day with the soft green.
I really wanted the binding of this quilt to frame the muted tones. I decided on using more Black Bella Solids to give a pop and complete this quilt. What do you think about framing a quilt in a contrast fabric rather than blending in? I really think that making a statement with the binding can give a quilt a different life.
For the number of quilts that I create throughout the year, I finally splurged on grabbing a full bolt of speckled wide back in dove gray. It’s the perfect neutral fabric with a little something in the metallic print. I love not having to piece backing, it makes squeezing my quilts on the longarm that much easier!
I’m very much a geometric quilting type of person when it comes to my own quilts. Something about the softness of this quilt in the fabric pull and smaller piecing made me feel that geometric wasn’t the right answer here. The rosemary pantograph has been hot lately and I knew that it would be a great design for this spring and soft quilt. I think the final result is absolutely perfect. I couldn’t imagine a better design for this quilt.
I’d love to see you put your own spin on the Koselig Quilt be sure to share your quilt on social media with the #MTKoseligQuilt and #mtsew
Sign up for Quilting Services
If you’d like me to help out adding quilting to your quilt check out my long arm quilting information page to send your quilt in! If you have any questions about quilting feel free to email me and I’m more than willing to help you out.
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