It's time to recognize the special people in your life! Mother's Day (May 8th), Teacher Appreciation day (May 3rd) or National Best Friend's Day (June 8th) are all great reasons to create a fun prize ribbon for the special people in your life, but I also think a random Tuesday is even better!
Our free tutorial will walk you through the simple steps to make your own customized version.
Prize Ribbon Supplies:
1/8 yard
main fabric (gathered background)
1/8 yard
coordinating fabric (tails)
Scrap of
solid fabric or
wool felt (button cover)
1/8 yard
Heat 'n Bond fusible web
button cover set
3" embroidery hoop
Brooch pin back
Embroidery thread and
hand sewing needle
Hot glue gun
Button Cover:
Decide on a design for your button cover. Trace the button onto your fabric so you can keep an eye on the actual size as you design. I like to use a 3" embroidery hoop to keep everything neat and smooth. Next, just embroider your design. I love the video tutorials at
Needle n' Thread when I'm trying to find a new design or learn a new stitch. Bookmark it, Pin it, whatever you do. This one is the best! Need some embroidery inspiration? Check out our
Embroidery Pin Board. I use a combination of size 12 and size 5 Perle Cotton embroidery thread. Stop in the shop to see our great selection of colors.
Once you've completed your button design, trim to the size of the circle template on the back of the button cover package. Insert the fabric into the button cover mold. (The mold in the kit we offer is clear so you can perfectly line up your embroidery design on the button!) Insert the button and fold in the raw edges carefully. Place the back of the button in place and use the pusher to pop it in place tightly.
Gathered Background:
Cut the main fabric to 4-1/2" x 23". Fold in half the long way, wrong sides together and press. Lengthen the stitch on your sewing machine to 3.0. Stitch 3/8" from the raw edge down the length of the strip. Backstitch at the beginning, but DON"T backstitch when you finish stitching. Pull one strand of thread to gather the fabric strip. Gather the strip as much as you possibly can. It will naturally curve into a circle as you do this, but make sure when you're done that the circle is tight enough to fit inside the button. Sew the two raw edges of the gathered strip together using a 1/4" seam allowance. Lay the gathered circle on your ironing board and adjust the gathers so it is even and tidy. Press the gathers flat.
Cut the tail fabric into (4) 1-1/2" x 9" strips. Cut (2) 1-1/2" x 9" strips of Heat 'n Bond. Fuse the Heat 'n Bond to the wrong side of the two of the strips. Fuse to the remaining two strips. Trim the bottom of each tail into two points.
Position the tails on the back side of the gathered circle. Pin and stitch in place, being careful to keep your stitches inside the the gathered stitch line. (I found it easiest to just stitch right over the gathered stitch line so I knew I wasn't getting to far outside the circle.) Just a few stitches is all thats needed to tack the tails in place.
Position the embroidered button on the front of the prize ribbon. Double check that all of the raw edges and stitches are hidden under the button. Hot glue in place.
Hand stitch a broach pin back on the back of the prize ribbon. (A safety pin can work as well if you don't have one.) And that's it! Gift it to someone special, then make more!
This is a great project for kids too! Our Kids! Create - Gifts class on April 15th and 22nd will be making these personalized prize ribbons. Check it out and sign your kids up here!