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This Smol Diamond Plate quilt was the first sample I made to test out the pattern and I absolutely fell in love with how easy and fast this quilt came together! All you need is two Smol Junior Layer Cakes and backing fabric and you're ready to go. Read on more about this Smol Diamond Plate Throw Quilt to get all the details!
Grab the Diamond Plate Quilt Pattern Here
Ruby Star Society's Smol
I saw the Smol fabric and those little apples caught my eye! I needed to have that fabric in my stash. I love me a good pre-cut and the layer cake seemed like a great option to have. You could say this is where my obsession started with layers cakes, let me tell you: it was a slippery slope from here. I found that Bee-Hive Craft Studio has some Smol Junior Layer Cakes in stock (this print is no longer being made, so grab them when you find it in stock). I paired it with my favorite Off White Bella Solid from Fat Quarter Shop!
If you've been around here long enough you know my go to is to utilize the backing fabric as the binding. I hate for fabric to go to to waste and using the backing fabric usually results in larger strips of binding and uses those precious scraps up quickly. I used the Speckled Wideback in Gold Metallic, which you can grab in my shop or if you just want to grab yardage for binding you can get it here.
Grab the Diamond Plate Quilt Pattern Here
I love the light and airy feel this quilt was giving off, so I stuck with a light Speckled Wideback in Gold Metallic for the backing and I absolutely love how it turned out. Did you know I carry wide backs in my shop? I love the speckled line so much so I decided to stock them for not only my use on quilts but your to grab as well!
+++ Just a friendly Longarm quilting tip: measure the width and length of your quilt top. If the length is less than 100" then use your width for ordering your quilt + 8" if using long arm quilting services. So a 60"x80" quilt, you'd order 68" of the widleback. If you are using me for quilting services, you no longer need to worry about waiting for your backing fabric to show up in the mail! Just send you finished quilt top and you can buy batting and backing fabric from me :)
I love the lattice pattern that the Smol fabric line had in some of the fabrics so I decided to use Julie Hirt's Lattice Flower pantograph to mimic the same design. It's a bit out of my wheelhouse in personal style but I think it was the right choice for this quilt!
Grab the Diamond Plate Quilt Pattern Here
I’d love to see you put your own spin on the Diamond Plate Quilt Pattern – be sure to share your quilt on social media with the #DiamondPlateQuilt and #mtsew
Sign up for Quilting Services
If you’d like me to help out adding quilting to your quilt check out my long arm quilting information page to send your quilt in! If you have any questions about quilting feel free to email me and I’m more than willing to help you out.
Grab the Diamond Plate Quilt Pattern Here
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Grab the Diamond Plate Quilt Pattern Here