Today I’m showing you the third and final version of my Stardust Mini Quilt pattern! This pattern is a part of the #12Minisin12Months2022 on IG you would’ve seen January’s mini from Knot and Thread – you can grab that here. There will be a new designer for each month, so make sure to follow the hashtag over on Instagram! Please no judgment on how this little itty first test came out. I’ve got to say I am RUSTY with my walking foot but like to show that quilts aren’t perfect so I’m showing this baby anyway! I think we need to lower the expectation that all quilts are perfect, it’s so untrue even by professionals!
Grab the Stardust Mini Quilt Pattern Here
Phosphor and Beguiled from Libs Elliott
Did you catch my stealth version of the stardust mini quilt? If you have then you know how much I love Lib’s fabric designs and usually pre-order from Mashe Modern before they even come out. I just know that they are going to be right up my alley and amazing. Phosphor has the look of denim without the texture. It’s fabulous and comes in all the neon colors that you could ever want! I was contemplating going with a black solid background fabric but ending up winging it with the Beguiled fabric and don’t regret it one bit!
Phosphor and Beguiled from Mashe Modern
I used up some more of my Beguiled fabric to finish off the quilt. It’s such a great micro print that I couldn’t not use it everywhere in this mini!
Grab the Stardust Mini Quilt Pattern Here
So I had this yardage hanging out in my stash, and that’s how I was able to pull off all of the binding, background and backing fabric in this same print. I think the colors of the print really pull the bold colors together.
Grab the Stardust Mini Quilt Pattern Here
Can you tell I’m a long arm quilter? I don’t know the last time I used my walking foot on my domestic or even basted a quilt for that matter. This was the first sample I made of the pattern and it absolutely shows. But with every sample I made things got better - isn't that a testament of any hobby or skill in life. It’s awesome to see skills get better through more practice and I think looking at this quilt you may see puckers and horrendous corners that make my eyes want to bleed, but it also shows that no one starts at perfection – we have to practice to gain skills and get better one day at time. :)
Whether your just starting your quilting journey or are years into it, give yourself grace and allow yourself to embrace the “mistakes” and accept them as milestones in your creative adventure!
Sign up for Quilting Services
If you’d like me to help out adding quilting to your quilt check out my long arm quilting information page to send your quilt in! If you have any questions about quilting feel free to email me and I’m more than willing to help you out.
Grab the Stardust Mini Quilt Pattern Here
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